Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Story Begins

The same as other stories, but we follow along in case something dif-
ferent might happen.

Just one different thing. It leads us to a ledge and pushes us over.

Every story has a climax in a way life doesn't.

It puts us back where it found us. It opens our eyes which weren't
closed, but felt that way because what we saw was happening inside the

We are the excess of the story - that which it can not contain.

Washed ashore.

What was the story about ?

I can't remember. A dwindling, dim-witted tribe.

Every month when the moon was full, they'd sacrifice another virgin,
but could never figure out why the corps still wouldn't grow.

Elaine Equi


その他 多くの物語と同じ しかしもし何か違うことが起こる時のために追いかける

一つ違うことが有る それは私達を岩棚へ誘い出し 突き落とす

全ての物語にある クライマックスのようなものが 人生にはない

私達を見つけたところに連れ戻す 元々閉じていなかった私達の目を 
見開かせたような気にさせる なぜなら私達が見ていたものは

私達は物語の超過荷重 ‐ try again this part later 



覚えてないわ 名声をおとしめられた まぬけ部族

全ての満月の夜ごとに 奴らは生贄の乙女を差し出す
けれど収穫物の芽はまだ出ぬ その訳 知る由も無く
