Fire stove between, Haalloo, my sis, my bro, no saying any, do no want touch loneliness
of saying some. touching softly together hearts by eye to eye.
I no longer sentimental to that friend, who, tries to drown his stubborn weakness, worries in mocking himself.
I no even write a letter to him.
I even shake off this excuse of mine.
I pulled up edge of my wore off bamboo hat.
My friend eyed me sharp when I left.
I watched it without blink.
Then our thought had exchanged in swift.
I strapped my child to my back, asking for my husband's out of court.
There is no comfort in heart of such a wife.
She responded in low tone voice, her face stayed twitch to console and cheers from her comrade.
My brother left to work in hurry with no breakfast.
I can not be sick.
I have to be up.
My body, still lie, while I think.
And I listen his shoes sound go to far.
Young man dropped his eyes to fifty sen coin in his hand
It was gave to his hand in silence.
He gave a short, quick bow and quietly took back his way.
He do not say even his wish, no even his destination.
Parting, and gone.
Already, many days of tiredness were blot on his heavy sweaty dirty neck.
ひばちを はさんで こはんにち、あねも おととも ものいはない も
の いふことの さびしさに ふれたくはない たがひの こころ、そつ
と めとめで かんじあふ。
たちきれない よわさを なやみを 自嘲に まぎらさう とする この
ともに、もう 感傷を そそぐまい、たよりも かかない この きもち
のいひわけさへも ふりきつて
おしかぶされた 編笠の はし ぐいとあげて、さりぎはに ともが な
げかける するどい まなざし、またゝきもせず、ぢつと うけとめて、
すばやく かはしあふ たがひの こころ。
未決に やむ といふ をつとの ため、こを せおつて 歎願に きた
この つまに、こころのゆとりは なんにもない、同志の なぐさめにも
はげましにも ひきつつた かほの まま こゑ ひくく うけごたへ
あさげも とらずに いそいそと つとめに でてゆく おとうと ああ
やんでゐてはならない、ねては ゐられない、さうおもひながら からだ
よこたへたまま、とほざかる くつのおと きいてゐる。
だまつて そつと にぎらせた 五十錢だまに めを おとし、ぴよこん
と おじぎして もくもくと ひきかへして ゆく このわかもの、むね
に いだく のぞもみかたらず、ゆきさき さへつげずに わかれ ゆく
あせに よごれた ふとい くびすぢに もう いくにちもの つかれ
藤井 ちよ